Teacher of - Computer Science - Information Technology
Animation & Game Design - Computer Service & Support
Technology in the classroom should reflect that of the wider society. I believe that the
most advanced appropriate technology should be used in the classroom because schools should
not lag behind the home or the wider society in this sphere, and also because students and
teachers who benefit from this exposure would be in a better position to be in the forefront of
future technological advancement. There should, however, be set guidelines for use in the
classroom that are observed by both teacher and students.
Since classrooms should set paces, or at least keep abreast of societal changes. We should
make available technology accessible to our students as an integral part of our lesson delivery
and their learning experience. We should integrate technology in our classrooms in a way that it
becomes the norm rather than the exception. Our students should have the kind of relationship
with technology where they become innovators and begin to create the technology of the future.
They should, however, be taught to use it appropriately.
Students should be given strict guidelines for safe, honest, and appropriate use of
technology in their classroom. Teachers are responsible for providing a safe classroom
environment in which the students operate, by providing them with safety rules and guidelines
when browsing the internet. Students should be taught to observe these class rules regarding use
and care of equipment, internet safety, and the limits to sites they are allowed to visit. Teachers
should teach the proper use of technological equipment, enforce rules and constantly monitor
students to ensure that they adhere to the rules. They should also be taught to give appropriate
credit when using the internet to do research. Teachers and students should keep abreast of
development in technology as lifelong learners in order not to be left behind current and future
developments in technology.